Our Rotary Foundation
Upcoming Deadline for Closeout of 2022-2023 District (Community) Grants

If you haven’t completed your District (Community) Grant-funded service project, now is the time to gather and upload your spending documentation for review. Per District 6900 guidelines, spending documentation must be uploaded to rotary6900.org within 30 days of spending all funds or by March 31, 2023, whichever is earlier.

If you have a grant that is currently in overdue status, documentation is to be uploaded immediately and submitted for review.  Thank you to those clubs that have already uploaded their spending documentation.

Once again, this has been a very interesting year to say the least.  Covid-19 has continued to impact our work as Rotarians.  Yet we continue to forge ahead and work diligently with our partnering organizations to complete the spending of all grant funds.  Well done!  Should your club have any issues with completing the spending of your grant funds, please contact me immediately to discuss options.

I have adjusted the schedule slightly from what was published at the beginning of the year. The revised schedule:

  • For project end dates of February 28 to March 31, all receipts etc. submitted via website by March 31st for review.
  • All grants (regardless of project end date) must be closed by April 7.

Not adhering to the schedule listed above could affect your club's eligibility to apply for a grant for 2023-2024.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via the comments section on your club’s grant page should you have any questions or comments.  The grants team is here to help.

Posted by Gillian Leggett
February 5, 2023


This Year’s Posts: